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Marcy Koch

Marcy- Lyme Warrior
I had been sick on and off from the time I was in my late teens until the birth of my children with muscle pain, headaches, digestive issues, dizzy/ fainting spells and fatigue. After I had my children all of my symptoms increased and became more persistent.
I started seeing many different physicians without getting true answers to what is going on with me until one thought maybe I had Lyme Diseases. He tested me for Lyme, however my test was “negative” . I was surprised because all of my symptoms fit. I did some research and started to wonder if my test was even accurate. I posted something on a small private local Facebook group and Rebecca Roll reached out to me encouraging me to attend the next LymeWNY meeting. My husband and I attended. It was when Lyme WNY was just getting started. The group took up two small tables at a local restaurant. There I found people just like me. People who had no answers for years or had “ negative” Lyme tests that were receiving help! That night I learned that I am not alone in what felt like a very lonely journey. We left that evening with a ton of great resources, suggestions for practitioners that could help, and new friends! My family is so very thankful for Lyme WNY and we are still active members. I still have a long way to go and it helps to hear other people’s stories to remind me I am not alone. We attend the monthly meetings still and my husband is now part of the Lyme WNY board.💚

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